Thursday, January 25, 2007

Macau the $60 Tour

Victor has found a scheduled 2 hour tour of Macau from Avis, for about $40 for the two of us and we head back to the Ferry terminal. There is nobody at the Avis desk, but we are a half hour early. Many people try to sell us their very special tour.

We wait.
And we wait.
We wait until one more charming person tries to sell us their tour and decide to go for it.

We get a private driver in a mini van who knows some English and the tour is to last for 2 hours as he takes us from destination to destination for views and photographs. We are given some instructions of what to do and say if we get stopped by Macau police. Victor thinks this if funny and hopes we do have a police adventure.

So off we go.... First our not-a-tour-guide driver takes us off to the statue, which is in front of the Lebanese restaurant, which we have already seen. Then we head to this tower that you can bungee jump off of. We have already seen it and aren't going to bungee jump. Then we head over to the main temple on the island. We have been here too. I now realize that we have "done" most of Macau. We start pointing out things we would like to see from our guide book and most of them are walked to from Senato Square.

We are laughing at our selves again.

Our driver takes us to the other islands, Taipa and Coloane to show us the immense Las Vegas styled casinos going in, 3,000 room hotel and a floating casino. These are both US companies. Macau is planning on some big growth! Again, these are both places we have seen from our taxi ride to hell. Finally our not-a-tour-guide driver takes us to the top of a hill with a lovely church and grounds that we had not seen and had not previously read about. I did get some pictures, will add later.

He took us back to Senato Square so that we could walk to the other places and I paid him the full agreed amount and a generous tip as he was very funny. After he drove off Victor pointed out we were only with him for an hour of our agreed 2 hours. I need to get me a roll-ex!

This experience was reminiscent of getting a foot massage by a "lady of the night"

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